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V sekci Zdraví firmy lze zobrazit finanční reporty vašich obchodních partnerů, zákazníků či dodavatelů, v sekci Finanční data a scoringy.
Získáte tak objektivní informace o ekonomické důvěryhodnosti a bonitě vašich obchodních partnerů.
Jde o funkci poskytovanou naším partnerem Dun & Bradstreet (dříve v ČR pod značkou Bisnode). Data jsou dostupná pro firemní subjekty z celého světa (v závislosti na dostupnosti dat).
Postup získání finančních dat:
- U zvolené firmy jděte do přehledu Zdraví firmy
- V sekci Finanční data s scoringy zvolíte akci "Získat finanční data"
- Systém se pokusí vyhledat zvolenou firmu v databázi subjektů - pokud firmu najde, potvrdíte volbu kliknutím na "Zobrazit data"
- systém se snaží najít firmu podle země a názvu (případně v ČR a SR i podle IČ)
- systém může při hledání dle názvu a země najít více subjektů, pak si zvolíte firmu pro zobrazení finančních dat z nabídnutých subjektů
- Systém zobrazí finanční data a scoringy
Co je dobré vědět:
- Jde o nadstandardní službu hrazenou extra, z kreditu vašeho účtu
- Cena je:
- 10 Kč (0.50 EUR/USD) za získání dat pro 1 subjektu v daném kalendářním roce*, pro firemní subjekt z Evropy.
- 50 Kč (2 EUR/USD) za získání dat pro 1 subjektu v daném kalendářním roce*, pro firemní subjekt mimo Evropu.
- *Toto znamená, že aktualizace finančních dat pro takovou firmu již v daném kalendářním roce hrazené nejsou.
- Cena je:
- Data jsou získávána z různých zdrojů, jejich kompletnost a aktuálnost může být různá. Caflou pro daný firemní subjekt zobrazuje údaje poskytnuté partnerem (Dun & Bradstreet).
Jaká data jsou v reportech k dispozici:
- Stav
- The entity's functional state or trading status summarized into either active or out of business.
- Hodnoty:
- Active
- Out of business
- Finanční stav
- Records details about the assessment of the overall financial condition of a subject.
- Hodnoty:
- Fair
- Good
- Strong
- Unbalanced
- Pravděpodobnost bankrotu
- The details of the most recent scores assigned to the entity using a scoring model that helps predict the likelihood that the entity will seek legal relief from creditors or cease operations without paying all creditors in full within the next 12 months.
- Hodnoty:
- 1-5 (nejnižší pravděpodobnost bankrotu je 1, nejvyšší je 5)
- Platební morálka
- The details of the most recent scores assigned to the entity using a scoring model that helps predict the likelihood that the entity will pay its bills in a severely delinquent manner (90+ days past due) over the next 12 months.
- Hodnoty:
- 1-5 (nejlepší platební morálka je 1, nejslabší je 5)
- Standardní hodnocení (hodnocení je kombinací skóre pro Finanční sílu a Rizikový segment)
- The Dun & Bradstreet Rating is a system that measures a firm’s size and composite credit appraisal, based upon information from a company’s interim or fiscal balance sheet and an overall evaluation of the firm’s creditworthiness.
- Finanční síla
- The overall size of the entity from a financial perspective. It may be based on the net worth or issued capital of the entity; the higher the amount, the larger the entity is considered to be.
- Hodnoty:
- Based on Net Worth (in USD)
- 5A - Financial Strength of 60 + million
- 4A - Financial Strength of 25 - 60 million
- 3A - Financial Strength of 12 - 25 million
- 2A - Financial Strength of 2.5 - 12 million
- 1A - Financial Strength of 1.2 - 2.5 million
- A - Financial Strength of 600,000 - 1.2 million
- B - Financial Strength of 345,000 - 600,000
- C - Financial Strength of 175,000 - 345,000
- D - Financial Strength of 120,000 - 175,000
- E - Financial Strength of 60,000 - 120,000
- F - Financial Strength of 35,000 - 60,000
- G - Financial Strength of 15,000 - 35,000
- H - Financial Strength of 0 - 15,000
- Based on Issued Capital Figure (in USD)
- 5AA - Financial Strength of 60 + million
- 4AA - Financial Strength of 25 - 60 million
- 3AA - Financial Strength of 12 - 25 million
- 2AA - Financial Strength of 2.5 - 12 million
- 1AA - Financial Strength of 1.2 - 2.5 million
- AA - Financial Strength of 600,000 - 1.2 million
- BB - Financial Strength of 345,000 - 600,000
- CC - Financial Strength of 175,000 - 345,000
- DD - Financial Strength of 175,000 - 345,000
- EE - Financial Strength of 60,000 - 120,000
- FF - Financial Strength of 35,000 - 60,000
- GG - Financial Strength of 15,000 - 35,000
- HH - Financial Strength of 0 - 15,000
- Other codes used:
- N - Financial Strength is negative
- O - Financial Strength is undisclosed
- NB - New Business less than 2 years old
- NQ - Ceased Trading
- Based on Net Worth (in USD)
- Rizikový segment
- Creditworthiness of the entity in terms of its overall financial condition or risk to creditors.
- Hodnoty:
- 1 - Minimal risk (Proceed with transaction - offer terms required)
- 2 - Low risk (Proceed with transaction)
- 3 - Greater than average risk (Proceed with transaction but monitor closely)
- 4 - Significant level of risk (Take suitable assurances before extending credit
- 5 - Insufficient information to assign a risk indicator (no public information or D&B proprietary information available to indicate trading activity)
- Paydex skóre
- An index that indicates the overall payment habits of the entity based on trade experiences obtained from its suppliers.
- Hodnoty:
- An index of 81-100 indicates the entity has paid their debts ahead of due date.
- An index of 80 indicates the entity has paid their debts on time.
- Indices above 0 and below 80 indicates the entity has paid their debts late (the lower the score, the more days late).
- An index of 0 indicates the entity has paid their debts over 180 days late.
- Perioda
- The period of the financial statement expressed as a time interval.
- Hodnoty:
- PM; where = the number of months the statement covers
- PY; where = the number of years the statement covers
- K datu
- The date when the accounting period of the Latest Financials' financial statement ended.
- Auditované?
- Indicates if the Latest Financials' accounts have been reviewed by a qualified accountant independent of the organization and the accountant has signed the financial statement certifying it is accurate and complete.
- Konečné?
- Indicates whether the financial figures are for the entity's closing statement.
- Hodnoty:
- true, the financial figures are for the entity's closing statement.
- false, the financial figures are not for the entity's closing statement.
- Fiskální?
- Indicates whether the Latest Financials' financial figures cover a full year accounting period.
- Typ výkazu
- Text providing a description of the organizational scope of the Latest Financials' financial statement.
- Hodnoty:
- Individual
- Consolidated
- Obvykle platí do
- The numbers of days on average that the entity has paid its suppliers. This is the Paydex converted to days.
- Platí včas?
- The description of how the entity has paid its suppliers
- Hodnoty:
- Before terms
- Beyond terms
- Within terms
- Vzorků
- The number of payment experiences that the Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network has recorded against the entity.
- Obor podnikání
- Description of the business activities by United Nations Standard Products and Services Code.
- Jednotky
- The unit size (e.g., units, thousands, millions) in which the figures in the Latest Financials' financial statement are stated.
- Měna
- The currency in which the figures in the Latest Financials' financial statement are stated.
- Aktiva celkem
- The combined value of Current Assets and Total Long Term Assets for the Latest Financials. This therefore includes all of the assets used by an organization no matter how they are financed.
- Obrat
- The income generated from the sale of goods and services for the Latest Financials. This is dependent upon the volume of a product sold and the price of the product shown net of returns, allowances and discounts. Also known as Turnover.
- Pracovní kapitál
- The operating liquidity available to an entity (i.e., the funds available to finance current business operations).
- Zisk před zdaněním
- The Latest Financials' disclosed profit before tax, which will reflect deductions for all operating and non-operating costs.
- Vlastní kapitál
- The sum of all capital and reserves for the Latest Financials. This is otherwise known as shareholders' funds or shareholders' equity.
- Pohotová likvidita
- A ratio for the Latest Financials that measures whether the organization has enough resources to cover its short-term obligations. Calculated as Total Current Assets divided by Total Current Liabilities.
- Podíl běžných závazků ku vlastnímu kapitálu
- The ratio that indicates the reliance on the equity for payment of debt. It is calculated by Current liabilities over Net worth expressed as a percentage. It is one of the measures of the solvency of an entity and, as a rule of thumb, should not exceed 60 percent; higher percentages mean significant pressure on future cash flows.
- Měsíční tržby na zaměstnance
- Revenue per employee, calculated as a company's total revenue divided by number of months in fiscal year divided by its current number of employees, is an important ratio that roughly measures how much money each employee generates for the firm.